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Specialty Eye Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Targeting Your Dry Eye with IPL Therapy: A Modern Solution for Relief and Comfort

Dry eye syndrome is a common yet frustrating condition that affects many people in in the Pacific Northwest. If you suffer from persistent eye irritation, burning, or excessive tearing, finding an effective treatment is essential. While traditional remedies like artificial tears or warm compresses provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the root cause of dry eye. Advances in technology have led to more effective solutions, including OptiLight IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy, an innovative treatment that provides long-lasting relief.

How Vision Therapy Enhances Visual Attention & Boosts Focus for Kids

Children rely on their vision for nearly every aspect of learning, from reading to writing and even participating in sports. However, some children struggle with maintaining visual attention and focus, making academic and social activities more challenging. When a child's eyes are not working efficiently together, it can lead to difficulty concentrating, skipping words while reading, or even experiencing eye fatigue. Vision therapy offers a proven solution to improve visual attention, strengthen focus, and help children excel in their daily activities.

IPL vs. Lipiflow: What’s the Difference?

Dry eye disease is an uncomfortable and often chronic condition affecting many people in the Pacific Northwest. Thankfully, there are ways we can slow the progression of the disease and alleviate symptoms of dry eyes...

Can Keratoconus Be Cured?

Keratoconus is a condition that affects your cornea and can compromise your vision, making it difficult to perceive your surroundings. Keratoconus can’t be cured or reversed, but depending on how advanced your keratoconus is, there are treatments and solutions we can offer that can prevent progression and provide clear vision...

What is Myopia Management?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, affects a person’s ability to see objects in the distance clearly. It typically begins at a young age and often progresses into adulthood...

What Is iLux & How Does It Treat Dry Eye?

iLux is a handheld device that uses heat and gentle, massaging pressure to melt blockages in your meibomian glands and encourage oils to flow more freely to your tear film...

Can you wear Gas-Permeable Contact Lenses after Cataract Surgery?

Contact lenses can be a great vision correction option for years, even if cataracts start to cloud your vision. But as the cataracts continue to develop, they’ll get to a point where surgery is your best route for clear vision. For some patients, cataract surgery allows them to see at all distances without vision correction.

How Do Atropine Eye Drops Help Control Myopia in Kids?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common vision condition that affects many people. It usually starts in childhood and is caused by the elongation of the eyeball, leading to difficulty seeing objects at a distance...

Think You Have Dry Eye Syndrome? Take Our Quiz!

Do you often find yourself rubbing your eyes frequently? Are you experiencing a burning sensation, eye fatigue, or redness? These are a few signs that you might be struggling with a common condition known as dry eye...

Can Nearsightedness Be Reversed?

First, let’s clarify what nearsightedness is exactly. The technical term for the condition that causes nearsightedness is myopia, which affects approximately 30% of Americans...