Kirkland & Bellevue

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Intense Pulsed Light  (IPL)

IPL photorejuvenation is a type of light therapy used to treat sun induced skin damage, rosacea, broken capillaries, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and acne. IPL works by targeting a treatment area with wavelengths of light onto the skin. This light heats the pigmented cells of the skin and breaks them down. In the process of heating up your skin IPL encourages the production of collagen and tightens the elastin fibers. It stimulates the natural process by which your body repairs all kinds of damage.

Once produced, the collagen goes to work and improves the factors that age your skin. The body’s natural cell turnover process removes the damaged cells as they surface, creating a clearer complexion. Three to five treatments 4-6 weeks apart are recommended to achieve the very best results. Pre- and post-care instructions will be discussed in-office.

 LED (Light Emitting Diodes) Treatments

Photobiomodulation treatments are a concentration of lights that deliver three different wavelengths of light simultaneously to manage skin conditions. All three wavelengths work together, the benefit of using all three wavelengths at the same time is that light absorbing molecules respond to different wavelengths of light energy. The results are an increased energy absorption in cellular activity at different tissue depths. This is a pain free, thirty minute treatment.  For best results twelve treatments are recommended, three times a week, for four weeks.

Our Locations


Steps away from beautiful Bellevue Square Mall, our office is conveniently located just off the I-405 on 106 Avenue NE.

  • 225 106 Ave. NE
  • Bellevue, WA 98004


Next to the Evergreen Hospital, our convenient location is on NE 128 Street, just off the I-405.

  • 11830 NE 128 St., Suite 1
  • Kirkland, WA 98034

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What Is iLux & How Does It Treat Dry Eye?

Dry Eye

When you think of dry eye disease, you should also think of your tear film.  Your tear film is at the center of your eye comfort—it hydrates and soothes your eyes while also protecting them from bacteria with the help of multiple unique ingredients. One of these ingredients is oil produced by your meibomian glands, […]

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August 19, 2024
Dr. David Kading

IPL vs. Lipiflow: What’s the Difference?

Dry Eye

Different Dry Eye Remedies For Certain Conditions Dry eye disease is an uncomfortable and often chronic condition affecting many people in the Pacific Northwest. Thankfully, there are ways we can slow the progression of the disease and alleviate symptoms of dry eyes. Using innovative technology like intense pulsed light (IPL) and Lipiflow can help treat […]

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August 19, 2024
Dr. David Kading

What is Myopia Management?

Children’s healthMyopiaPediatrics

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, affects the ability to see objects in the distance clearly. It typically begins at a young age and often progresses into adulthood. Routine eye exams are capable of diagnosing this issue, and early intervention can prevent it from progressing into more severe vision issues, like high myopia. Myopia management, or […]

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August 19, 2024
Dr. David Kading
Person receiving ilux dry eye treatment

When you think of dry eye disease, you should also think of your tear film.  Your tear film is at the center of your eye comfort—it hydrates and soothes your eyes while also protecting them from bacteria with the help of multiple unique ingredients. One of these ingredients is oil produced by your meibomian glands, […]

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Different Dry Eye Remedies For Certain Conditions Dry eye disease is an uncomfortable and often chronic condition affecting many people in the Pacific Northwest. Thankfully, there are ways we can slow the progression of the disease and alleviate symptoms of dry eyes. Using innovative technology like intense pulsed light (IPL) and Lipiflow can help treat […]

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A young woman holding a pair of glasses in front of her

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, affects the ability to see objects in the distance clearly. It typically begins at a young age and often progresses into adulthood. Routine eye exams are capable of diagnosing this issue, and early intervention can prevent it from progressing into more severe vision issues, like high myopia. Myopia management, or […]

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