Specialty Eye Expo Sponsorship

Book Appointment

Event Information


We have officially locked down February 24th 2024 for our ninth annual Specialty Eye Expo.

Now is your opportunity to reserve the best exhibit space at the Northwest’s premier Expo held at the Lynnwood Event Center.  We have a speaker lineup with some of the biggest names in eyecare, so we are estimating there will be150-200 doctors in attendance! No one wants to miss this education! 

The one-day educational program will discuss best practices in eye care. This year our emphasis will be on dry eye, contact lenses, myopia management, and binocular vision. Eight hours of Washington State CE education will be available to doctors. 

This year, we have intentionally set aside longer blocks of time for OD’s and vendors to mingle. We will have a mid-morning break, a short lunch break (prior to the lunch educational program) and an afternoon happy hour before the last session of the day. Our team wants to make sure that this brings as much value to YOU and YOUR company as it does to the docs who attend!

You will see that we are not only offering tiered sponsorship levels, but additional promotional add ons to really get your company/brand showcased to attendees.

With the success of our prior eight Specialty Eye Expos, we are excited for the collaboration, education, and innovation that SEE will bring in 2024!

SEE you there!!


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