Almost anyone can wear contact lenses with an expert fitting, but even now, people are denied contact lenses for hard-to-fit eyes—or live with uncomfortable contacts. At Specialty Eye, our eye care team has completed advanced training in fitting specialty contact lenses for every unique set of eyes, including those with astigmatism. You have many options […]
What Are Specialty Contact Lenses?
Contact lens options appear to be limitless. While soft contact lenses are the most popular among patients and eye care professionals, numerous other contact lens options can provide comfortable, clear vision. Rigid gas permeable lenses, as well as newer scleral or hybrid lenses, are commonly used to provide visual correction for those who struggle with […]
How to Fit Multifocal Contact Lenses
Chances are, if you are reading this you’re like a couple of our doctors and are over 40. (It’s hard to believe that we’re here, but it’s happened.) Along with needing a standby fire truck when we blow out our birthday candles, in our 40s we tend to start showing our age. Fine lines start […]
Can you wear Gas-Permeable Contact Lenses after Cataract Surgery?
Contact lenses can be a great vision correction option for years, even if cataracts start to cloud your vision. But as the cataracts continue to develop, they’ll get to a point where surgery is your best route for clear vision. For some patients, cataract surgery allows them to see at all distances without vision correction. […]